
Command-Line Options

The pitunnel program can take the following command-line parameters:

pitunnel [-h] [--port PORT] [--host HOST] [--name NAME] [--token TOKEN]
          [--http] [--https] [--register] [--type TYPE] [--http-auth HTTP_AUTH]
          [--quiet] [--persist] [--list] [--remove ID] [--region REGION]
          [--set-global-region] [--list-regions]

Optional Arguments

-h, --help
Show this help message and exit.

--port PORT
Port number of destination server.

--host HOST
Hostname or IP address of destination server (default: localhost).

--name NAME
Display name, for reference and subdomain creation.

--token TOKEN
Optional user tunnel token. Not required if installed from website.

Indicates that a tunnel is for a HTTP service. Will create a http link on the custom tunnels list with a subdomain.

Indicates that a tunnel is for a HTTPS service. Will create a https link on the custom tunnels list with a subdomain.

Renew device registration, if installation cloned/moved to a new device.

--type TYPE
Used to identify system tunnels like device_monitor and terminal.

--http-auth HTTP_AUTH
Add HTTP authorization to external access for this tunnel: HTTP_AUTH=username:password

Quite Mode. Doesn't output messages to standard out.

Makes the tunnel stay active even after closing your terminal or rebooting.

Lists persistent tunnels and their IDs.

--remove ID
Remove a persistent tunnel with an ID.

--region REGION
Set the region to host this tunnel. 'auto' finds the closest region for best tunnel speed, otherwise specify one of the regions listed in pitunnel.com/doc/regions (e.g. us1, us2, uk1, eu1, au1, as1, in1). Default is the global region set during installation or by calling --set-global-region.

--set-global-region REGION
Set the region to be used for all tunnels created on this device. Requires a restart of the pitunnel service to be applied to already running persistent tunnels.

Prints a list of available region servers and their ping times from the device.

Next: Mass Deployment & Cloned Devices