
Tunnel Regions

PiTunnel has a network of servers around the world that are used to route tunnel traffic to and from your device. The region your device is connected to affects the address your tunnel has, for example eu1.pitunnel.com means eu1 is the region. During installation, PiTunnel scans the network of server regions and determines the closest region to your device, for fastest tunnels with lowest latency.

NOTE: Tunnel Regions are only available for devices installed with the pitunnel client after 19 June 2023. Devices installed earlier need to be updated by re-running the "Add/Update Device" command on the Devices page.

Region Locations

PiTunnel currently has servers located in the following regions:

Region City
au1 Sydney
us1 San Francisco
us2 New York
uk1 London
Region City
eu1 Frankfurt
as1 Singapore
as2 Singapore
in1 Bangalore

Changing Region Selection

In some situations the region PiTunnel determined during installation might not be the best for the deployed device. For example if you are configuring a device with PiTunnel in one region and then shipping it to a different region for use.

To manually set the region, use the command line option --set-global-region, for example pitunnel --set-global-region=uk1.

Alternatively, PiTunnel can be triggered to re-scan the available regions to determine the new fastest region, for example if you have moved your device to another city. Use the command pitunnel --set-global-region=auto.

After making a change to the global region setting, you need to restart the PiTunnel service with the command sudo systemctl restart pitunnel.

Listing Available Regions

To view a list of the available regions and the latencies (ping times) for each, use the command pitunnel --list-regions. You will get output similar to this:

| Region | Location      | Ping Time |                 |
| as1    | Singapore     | 87ms      |                 |
| au1    | Sydney        | 34ms      | <-- Best Region |
| eu1    | Frankfurt     | 336ms     |                 |
| in1    | Bangalore     | 123ms     |                 |
| uk1    | London        | 323ms     |                 |
| us1    | San Francisco | 187ms     |                 |
| us2    | New York      | 253ms     |                 |

Next: Persistent Tunnels